As the holiday season wraps up, many individuals are faced with high credit card balances, leading them to seek debt relief solutions. Unfortunately, this is the perfect opportunity for scam artists to exploit vulnerable consumers with misleading advertisements for debt relief and credit repair services. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) warns that these scammers often make impossible promises, such as guaranteeing improved credit scores or quick debt elimination, without even assessing an individual's financial situation. A significant warning sign is when companies request payment before providing any services, which is illegal in both the U.S. and Canada. Legitimate debt relief companies should only collect fees after delivering their promised services. Consumers are advised to remain vigilant against unrealistic guarantees, vague contracts, and offers to create new credit identities. To protect yourself, it’s essential to report suspicious activities on the BBB Scam Tracker and familiarize yourself with steps to avoid scams.
Read the full article here.