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4 Alternatives To Apple Pay Later If You Can't Front The Bill Right Away

4 Alternatives To Apple Pay Later If You Can't Front The Bill Right Away

Listen, money gets tight sometimes, and we could all use any form of assistance to help us get by. That's where Apple Pay Later came into play. The service that, in late 2023, finally became widely available to iPhone and iPad users in the U.S. let you buy now and, well, pay later, splitting purchases into four payments with zero interest and fees all from the comfort of your iPhone. It was a great resource for anyone looking to make a sizable purchase or in need of a bit of financial assistance. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and Apple Pay Later met an untimely and abrupt end.

Apple announced the end of Apple Pay Later in 2024, releasing a statement to 9to5Mac a little more than a year after the service's launch in the United States. Although Pay Later is no longer available, the company remains committed to offering "easy, secure, and private payment options with Apple Pay" to its users. Later in the year, Apple will release a new loan feature through credit and debit cards and other lenders to users worldwide. And while the new initiative brings loans via Apple Pay to more people, some may not be able to wait for it to drop. If that's the case, here are some good alternatives to Apple Pay Later you can use in the meantime.

Read the full article here.



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